Marketing Resource Hub
Advisor Custom Microsite w/ Retirement Score Live Webinar Invitation
Benefit from one of the most valuable IFW Retirement Score marketing resources for referrals, prospecting new leads, and engagement!
Your microsite features a sizzle video about the Retirement Score, profiles your expertise, & includes a link where people can register for the live webinar and become a lead assigned to you. Click the 'Learn More' link to watch a short video and access our communication templates and best practices for referrals & prospecting. Learn More
IFW Retirement Score eBook
Use the IFW Retirement Score eBook to educate and engage your IFW generated active leads and scheduled appointments. Share the eBook via SMS or email at your discretion. Click the 'Get eBook' link to get more details and watch a video on how to best use this valuable asset.
Get eBookMarketing Tools & Resources
Take advantage of IFW's valuable marketing tools, sales resources, and proven Retirement Score consumer presentations that can help you educate, engage, and win prospects' trust to get their Retirement Score from you.
- * Retirement Score Fillable Fact-Finder
- * Retirement Score Scripts for Referrals & Prospecting
- * Retirement Score PowerPoint Presentations
- * Tom Hegna Sales Coaching Resources
- * Retirement Score Six-Step Sales Story Summary
- * Your official email badge signature
- * Branded Video Wallpaper Background & More!
Click 'Get Tools & Resources' for information and details to make sure you are taking advantage of these valuable marketing tools and resources.
How can I get or update my IFW Custom Microsite or Retirement Score Live Webinar invitation link?
Simply email
Where do I get the IFW Retirement Score Factfinder?
It is accessible in the Marketing Resource Hub. You can find it in two sections (Presentations & Resources / Marketing Tools).
What is an Advisor Micro Site, and how can I use it?
Your custom microsite features a short sizzle video about the Retirement Score, profiles your expertise and experience, and includes a link where people can register for the live webinar and become a lead assigned to you. This is best used and shared to generate interest in the Retirement Score from people outside of the leads you receive from IFW. You can link to this from your website, share it on social, or send it via email or SMS when appropriate.
What is the consumer IFW Retirement Score Webinar about?
The IFW Retirement Score Webinar is a weekly event where consumers (your leads & prospects) learn about The IFW Retirement Score, strategies that can help them increase it, and encourages them to set an appointment to get their score from an IFW Certified Financial Professional.
How can I invite my network, clients, and outside prospects to The IFW Retirement Score Webinar?
You can use your custom microsite which includes your custom invitation link, and/or promote your live webinar invitation link via email, SMS, or social media. They will be added to your CRM as active leads with the RR Lead (External) lead status. They will receive all IFW communication and appointment-setting services too. They will not count against your IFW-guaranteed leads.
What is the IFW Retirement Score eBook?
The IFW Retirement Score eBook is a resource that you can use to educate and engage your active IFW lead and appointments. There are two versions you can use. One for pure education and engagement and one to help set appointments. Your eBook is only meant to be used for your active IFW leads, not for external prospecting.
How can I use the Retirement Score consumer presentations?
You can use the IFW Retirement Score presentations for live webinars and/or live seminars for you to use anytime at your convenience. They are available for download in the Marketing Resource Hub.
What additional marketing tools does IFW provide for Certified Financial Professionals?
IFW provides various marketing tools, including an official email badge signature, and branded video wallpaper. These resources are designed to help align your brand and elevate trust with prospects.
When are the IFW Study Groups?
There are three main monthly study groups. The software study group is on the 1st Thursday of each month at 5 PM ET. The six-step sales story study group is on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 5 PM ET. The Retirement Score Sales & Marketing Program study group is on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 5 PM ET.