Retirement Calculator: 401(k) Comparison Calculator
The Traditional 401(k) vs The Roth 401(k)
What’s Better A Traditional 401(k) or a Roth 401(k)?
As the IFW saying goes, it depends. There are several factors to consider when you compare 401(k)s like taxes, growth, RMD’s (required minimum distributions, income limits, withdrawals, and contributions. The traditional 401(k )and Roth 401(k) are both valuable retirement accounts. Use this calculator to see how the math adds up over time and compare.
Learn More About IFW’s Retirement Planning Education Services
The IFW provides valuable financial education, resources, and services that help people live their best life.
Please remember, be mindful of the messenger that positions certain products or services as “always” bad or “always” perfect. The fact of the matter is there are no “bad products” or “perfect products”. The right product is the one that aligns with your goals and objectives.
The Institute of Financial Wellness believes when it comes to financial decisions; never say “Never” never say “Always”…It Depends.