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Posts — Category: Kids & Money

Future-Proof Gifts: Savings Bonds for Grandchildren
Looking for a meaningful gift that stands the test of time? Buying savings bonds for grandchildren is a fantastic way to show your love while investing in their future. Unlike

Honoring Our Senior Citizens: Wisdom for Future Generations
Ever wondered what secrets our elders hold for a successful life? Respect thy elders, for they have traversed the winding paths of life and emerged with invaluable knowledge. Their experiences,

Smart Retirement Planning for Moms: A Guide to Secure Your Future
“Retirement is a time to enjoy the things you never could before.” — Catherine Pulsifer Retirement planning for moms is a juggling act of family needs and future security. Buckle

Smart Wealth: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money Management
“It’s never too early to start saving, but it can be too late.” – Unknown What exactly do the wealthy impart to their children that gear them toward financial triumph?
Don't miss out on our retirement planning insights

Parenting in Your 40s: The Right Time to Teach Kids about Money
The knowledge and skills necessary for managing money are critical for every child’s future. As parents, it’s our responsibility to ensure that our children learn about money management in an
Are bad habits creating a financially irresponsible generation? | Opinion
April is National Financial Literacy Month. It’s a good time to ask ourselves whether we are creating a new generation of financially irresponsible young people and how we can be

Managing Your Child Care Expenses
Most people preparing for their first baby are shocked and even dismayed to learn just how high childcare costs can be. According to Care.com’s 2021 Cost of Care survey, weekly

Financial literacy will help Florida’s kids develop healthy habits with money | Opinion
With studies showing personal spending skyrocketing while personal savings drop, particularly in metro areas such as Miami — notorious for flashing Ferraris and cash — it’s important to consider the