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Insurance Calculator: Reach Your Health Savings Account Goal

Boost Your Retirement Savings With Your HSA

You should be saving money in an IRA or 401k to help fund your retirement years. You can also use a Health Savings Account (HSA) to boost retirement savings earmarked to cover medical expenses in retirement. Health savings accounts are not technically retirement plans, but you can make pre-tax contributions and the money deposited in your HSA will grow tax-free. Moreover, unlike Flexible Spending Accounts, you can roll over your HSA funds from one year to the next, and into retirement. You can also withdraw HSA funds at any time to pay for current qualified medical expenses. So, as you grow your HSA account balance to meet your retirement needs, you will want to consider those current medical expenses in your planning.


Learn More About IFW’s Life Insurance, Disability Insurance, and Long-Term Care Planning Services

What is your most valuable asset? The answer is you and your ability to earn income. This service is a must for anyone that wants to make sure they not only learn how to best protect themselves and their families but also discover meaningful benefits and best practices when it comes to insurance and protection.
  • Find out what types of insurance make sense for your unique situation
  • Learn how to determine an appropriate amount of coverage
  • Pay the least expensive premium, while receiving the best value
  • Discover how to use life insurance as a unique financial tool
  • Plus, every participant will receive a free IFW Insurance Personal Report, including a review of all their current insurance and recommendations to improve their risk management program.


The IFW provides valuable financial education, resources, and services that help people live their best life. 

Please remember, be mindful of the messenger that positions certain products or services as “always” bad or “always” perfect.  The fact of the matter is there are no “bad products” or “perfect products”.   The right product is the one that aligns with your goals and objectives. 

The Institute of Financial Wellness believes when it comes to financial decisions; never say “Never” never say “Always”…It Depends.

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