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Will You Run Out of Money in Retirement?

The Real Question is “Can You Prevent It?”

As the saying goes we live in interesting times.  Lately, there are two words we hear a lot of… (Fear & Uncertainty).  With inflation over 7%, actual war, market madness, surging gas prices, and the recent pandemic it certainly can cause you to ask some serious questions.  Like…what’s going to happen next?   What will happen to my portfolio? Do I have enough money saved?   And what it…what if…I run out of money in retirement?

Running out of money is one of the very top issues we hear from so many people.  It can be a very scary thought, maybe even keep you up at night.  One of our main goals at the IFW is to educate and help all our audiences have strategies in place so you NEVER run out of money.  We have dedicated an entire webinar, created the Retirement Roadmap Strategy Report, and facilitate ways to take action to implement those strategies with a licensed financial professional.  

We talk about things like… maximizing your Social Security, using the right withdrawal rate, diversification, tax strategies, Roth conversions, volatility buffer safe buckets, and working with the RIGHT financial advisor

We have helped thousands of people like you sleep better at night and have a more secure retirement

So if all this fear and uncertainty has you concerned we hope you will consider learning more about these things I just mentioned and taking action for yourself!

A great place to start is attending our weekly IFW retirement roadmap webinar.  It’s free, every Wednesday at 7pm EST. 


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